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Software Disasters

Posted by The nFocus Team on 14/09/2017

It's Never Going To Happen To Me!

So, what exactly is a disaster? The word ‘Disaster’ is widely used in our modern-day language, Crystal Palace FC would use it to sum up their first four games of the 2017 season, people of America use it to report on Hurricane Irma and Bake Off would use it to describe a soggy bottom…. So, when we come to talk about software the same rules seem to apply. Whether a software bug disrupts an End Users ability to perform their everyday tasks, or a bug makes your online retail outlet fail to deliver goods, or worse still your data is compromised like what we have seen with the Equifax and their 143 million customers. In all cases these software disasters could have been prevented by better testing.

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Topics: Software Testing, software disasters

Software Testing Techniques - It's As Simple As Black & White

Posted by The nFocus Team on 24/08/2017

Importance of Choosing Appropriate Testing Techniques for Effective Quality Assurance

To explain the difference between Black Box Testing and White Box Testing, simply put, if you think about a car, you have two types of people, the driver (black box) and the mechanic (white box). The driver doesn’t really need to understand how the engine works to drive, just press a few buttons and levers and turn the wheel and you are off. The mechanic however, lifts the hood and tinkers with the engines to make the car go, looking at the internal mechanisms, following the flow of petrol into the engine right through to the output gases from the exhaust.

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Topics: Software Testing, Software Testing Techniques

Software Testing Techniques - Seven Of The Best

Posted by The nFocus Team on 17/08/2017

Importance of Diverse Testing Approaches

So, what is the best software testing technique for my project? Hmmm, tricky one to answer without looking more closely at your project. There are many factors that determine the software testing techniques you’ll need to employ.

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Topics: Software Testing, Software Testing Techniques

Modern Development QA and QC

Posted by Danny Crone on 13/07/2017

From Technical Director's Perspective 

I am very fortunate to have spent time on many projects/products with lots of customers and so I wanted to write a series of articles to go through my experiences and what I have seen. This blog is the first in the series and will look at modern development, quality assurance and quality control.

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Topics: Software Testing, Quality Control, Quality Assurance

Requirements Validation - Language and Writing Style Guide

Posted by The nFocus Team on 27/06/2017

Role of Language and Writing Style in Effective Requirements

One of the most common causes of software failure and the reworking of code is poor requirements. Implementation of best practice for requirements analysis, specification and validation can have a major impact on application delivery schedule, budget and overall quality.

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Topics: Software Testing, Requirements Validation

Software Testing Assessment - The Core Objectives

Posted by The nFocus Team on 20/06/2017

Beyond Defect Detection: Additional Testing Benefits

How do you know if your testing is meeting your business objectives? Not having production incidents may be a success factor but that’s only a small part to testing. Conducting an assessment of your existing testing procedures and practices is key to establishing the actual current state of testing within your business. Doing this will provide you with a tangible roadmap for implementing recommendations to meet your company’s quality objectives.

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Topics: Software Testing, Software Testing Assessment

Testing Methodologies & Test Types – Five Core Component Testing Tools

Posted by The nFocus Team on 6/06/2017

Overview of Test Types in Software Testing

Testing quite simply is the backbone of every project, whether you agree or not it’s not hard to state that testing has a place in each part of the System Development Life-Cycle. Employing a poor testing methodology will lead to the production of an unstable product and most likely one that will cost you more money and development time. Whether you decide to go Waterfall, Agile or DevOps it is essential to have a plan, especially a test plan, in place to ensure that the product is delivered in a robust and stable state, on a predictable timeline.

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Topics: Software Testing, testing methodologies

Regression Testing and Retesting - Check and Recheck

Posted by The nFocus Team on 30/05/2017

Retesting Techniques and Approaches

In an ever changing and fast paced world, things need to be done quicker. Not only to save costs but consumers need products and services at a touch of a button and assurances that they all cater for their needs first time without fail. Companies are faced with many dilemmas; costs, do a project on the cheap and risk delivering a shoddy project. Time, do it right but take too long and your market saturation will be behind your competitors. Quality, rush a project out the door and risk introducing operational and productions defects. So, is there another way?

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Topics: Software Testing, regression testing and retesting

Performance Testing Basics – The Three Golden Rules

Posted by The nFocus Team on 23/05/2017

What Are the Three Golden Rules?

Performance testing is simple, right? Well, those who do it will beg to differ. There are some performance testing basics you need to get right first before embarking on the journey.

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Topics: Software Testing, Performance Testing Basics

Beyond Penetration Testing – 7 Steps to a Security Testing Strategy

Posted by The nFocus Team on 17/05/2017

How to Implement a Security Testing Strategy

IT security testing is not just about checking that you can break in via a website vulnerability such as SQL injection. To prevent an IT security attack, security testing needs to be wider than penetration testing and should cover wider aspects of security. The good news is that it’s not as hard as you might think to make your systems more secure through a broad security testing strategy. Follow these seven steps to reduce the risk of a security breach.

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Topics: Software Testing, Security Testing Strategy

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