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The nFocus Team

nFocus is the longest established UK-owned independent test consultancy and we are proud that our clients continue to work with us year after year.

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AIs Impact on the SDLC

Posted by The nFocus Team on 18/06/2024

Software Testing and Artificial Intelligence: AIs Influence on the SDLC


In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the use of Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making increasing waves in our industry for quite some time now. It has been integrated into various processes, from customer service to data analysis, and now, it is making its way into the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). As AI continues to evolve, its impact and usefulness in software testing is becoming increasingly apparent. In this article, we will dive into the world of software testing and Artificial Intelligence, its current state, and how it will affect the SDLC in the near future.

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Topics: Software Testing, Software Development Life Cycle, Artificial Intelligence

Software Testing Round-Up of 2023

Posted by The nFocus Team on 12/12/2023

Top Articles of 2023: A Year in Review

In the ever-evolving realm of software testing, 2023 was a year of change. nFocus witnessed significant developments in various areas and throughout the year, we’ve made it our mission to provide commentary of what we’ve been seeing along with providing our insights.

As we enter 2024, we’ve analysed the viewing patterns of our blog visitors and wanted to share our most read articles of 2023. This includes…

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Topics: Software Testing, SDET, Future Trends

How to create a Software Test Plan For Waterfall, Agile and DevOps

Posted by The nFocus Team on 16/02/2023

Developing a Software Test Plan & The Impact of it 

Within every organisation there are a number of documents that have a hieratical order. When it comes to testing deliverables, you would expect to find the test policy document at the top of the tree; this document is only a couple of pages long but does at executive level spell out the quality needs of the organisation and gives the vision of what is expected of every project. This document is owned by the CIO or IT Director and should be mandated to ensure every programme and project works to the same expected standards every time.

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Topics: Software Testing, Software Test Plan

International Women's Day - Women in Technology

Posted by The nFocus Team on 7/03/2022


In honour of International Women's Day, we asked some of our team members to share their thoughts on working in the software testing industry. There was a wide range of opinion and we have shared some of this with you below.

Alira Salu - Test Consultant

"My father was a Computer Analyst which inspired me to follow the same career path. Seeing my dad going to the office every day with passion and dedication; as a young girl, it had a great impact on me. My role is perfect for me as I absolutely love problem-solving and get a real sense of joy from being a part of the team, finding solutions to the problems. My best advice for the younger generation would be ‘be kinder to yourself’ as situations get better with time. Generally, I feel we have a good number of women in IT but not as many at the top level so I would like to see that change in the future."

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Topics: Test Teams, Women in IT, Women in Tech

Working at Home - 3 State Modes

Posted by The nFocus Team on 11/01/2022

Introduction: Transitioning to Remote Work

With the Government’s latest announcement to move to ‘Plan B’ restrictions amid fears of Omicron variant infections, I thought it would be good to talk about my own personal experience of working at home during the pandemic.

I’ve now been working from home since Boris made his initial announcement in March 2020, ordering people to stay at home. At the time, I was working in Manchester as a Test Manager. We had a great test team, good relationships with the clients and frequent social activities in the evenings.

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Topics: Software Testing, Remote Working, Working from Home

Test Analyst Interview Questions & ‘Tricks’

Posted by The nFocus Team on 2/11/2021

Unveiling Insight: Test Analyst Interview Questions & Strategies

Aftermath of the Halloween, I thought it would be good to consider if there are any ‘tricks’ to a successful interview? Over the past few months, I've drafted a selection of interview question templates to standardise the nFocus interview process. As part of this process, the templates have been used successfully to identify quality test resource for several clients who are now part of the nFocus team. Congratulations to those now hired!

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Topics: Software Testing, Quality Assurance, Interview Questions

DevOps Teams - GitLab's 2021 Global DevSecOps

Posted by The nFocus Team on 7/09/2021

 Closer Look at GitLab's Global DevSecOps Survey Feedback

Is your organisation taking a long time to implement DevOps?

Don’t worry, you are not alone! GitLab held a survey for the fourth year in February-March, they asked DevOps teams to tell the truth about their practices, processes, challenges and careers. I have no doubt that many of you will recognise the results of the survey within your organisation. 

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Topics: Software Testing, DevOps, DevSecOps

'Tee-rific’ Steps to Creating a Test Automation Framework

Posted by The nFocus Team on 10/08/2021

Understanding Test Automation Frameworks

Hi, my name is Ryan Dudley and I’ve been working with nFocus now for nearly 8 years, starting my journey as an apprentice. Now I class myself as a budding Technical Tester, which is not an easy role. My day-to-day tasks at the moment consist primarily of manual testing, but at any given opportunity I like to be able to do automation. As there was no capacity for me to do this on my current project, I decided to do something within my own time and challenge myself to do something which I had not done before which was choosing a test automation framework and starting from scratch.

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Topics: Software Testing, test automation, Test Automation Frameworks

How to Set Up a Test Guild

Posted by The nFocus Team on 27/07/2021

Developing a Framework for Knowledge Sharing and Learning

Are you looking to continually mature your testing practice, stand out from other organisations and have fun building a community of like-minded members with shared interests?

If so, a Test Guild might be for you! Here's the guide of how to set up a test guild. 

So, what is it?

For those of you who have played games and have been part of a Guild, then I have no doubt that you immediately cast your mind to the benefits of a well-run guild. The concepts of a guild go way back, and for good reason!

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Topics: Software Testing, Test Teams, Test Maturity

Why Web Accessibility is Important - 4 Reasons

Posted by The nFocus Team on 1/06/2021

Introduction: Understanding the Significance of Web Accessibility

The internet is a vast, overwhelming universe of competing information in which your website must stand out among a trillion other websites all trying to stand out. That’s why it is essential to gain any advantage you can. You spend your hard-earned money on web design, on marketing, on ads and on improving your SEO but how much attention are you paying to simply making sure that everyone who wants to do business with you is able to do business with you?

The good news is that it’s very easy to do, so, here are 4 compelling reasons to make your website accessible to all: 

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Topics: Software Testing, Web Accessibility

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