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Client Engagement Strategies & Forming Partnerships

Posted by Richard Turrall on 21/05/2024

Building Relationships in Consultancy

A vital part of consultancy work is building strong relationships with clients or project teams. One of the most rewarding aspects of this process is learning how to effectively address difficult or uncomfortable situations. Embracing this challenge is key to personal and professional growth.

Consultancy is dynamic and adaptive because it involves working with new individuals and loyal customers. Try viewing ‘difficult’ and ‘awkward’ situations as opportunities for creative problem-solving and innovative solutions for growth. The terms 'difficult' and 'awkward' can span a variety of situations.

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Topics: Software Testing, Test Teams, communication

Technical Testing 'Show & Tell'

Posted by Renée Elizabeth Mineart on 9/05/2023

Overview of Technical Testing

This week's blog comes from our guest writer, Renée Mineart.

One of the first lessons taught in every writing class I’ve ever taken is the concept of “show, don’t tell”. 

When writing a bit of prose, you always want to show the reader what is happening in a scene as opposed to a short summary telling them what happened. “Bob fell out of the tree” isn’t nearly as impactful as “Bob put his full body weight on the branch beneath his hand as he planned the next stage of his climb but the branch was unable to support his weight."

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Topics: Software Testing, Test Teams, communication

The Benefits of Agile: Redefining Success - Part 4

Posted by Renée Elizabeth Mineart on 1/09/2020

Agile Principles in Action

Today we welcome back our guest author Renee Mineart, for the final piece in her series on 'Redefining Success'. If you’ve just come across this series, I would encourage you to start at the beginning, so here are links to the previous posts:

Part 1: What to do when Version 1.0 hits the proverbial fan

Part 2: Hey, let’s Talk about how we Talk

Part 3: Don't be a Mob Boss: A Safe Environment for Failure

In this post, I’d like to delve into the heart of the topic and look at the benefits of Agile Testing and how to redefine and deliver a successful, failed project. 

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Topics: Benefits of Agile, softwaretesting, communication

Don't be a Mob Boss

Posted by Renée Martin on 18/08/2020

A Safe Environment for Failure

Today we welcome back our popular guest author, Renee Mineart.

In my previous blog on this topic, I introduced a few ideas that might improve your communication with your UAT testers and how to set expectations on what you want them to do.

I’d now like to expand on this and explore the ways you can provide a safe environment for failure in order to promote success. To do this, I’d like to take you back in time to 1990.

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Topics: softwaretesting, communication, success, failure

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