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The Pomodoro Technique

Posted by Renée Elizabeth Mineart on 30/03/2021

An Agile Way of Working

If you’re able to work from home, then you have probably been working from home for some time now. You probably have mastered a daily routine, have adjusted your work/life balance and are used to attending meetings in jogging bottoms and bedroom slippers!

But then, someone like me comes along and asks if you know what a ‘Pomodoro’ is and how it may help you improve your work time. The Pomodoro Technique is a very simple technique to learn, incredibly quick and easy to apply. All you need is a pencil, paper and a timer then you’re ready to go!

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Topics: Software Testing, Time Management, Agile Testing

Quality Assurance in Education - An Insight into the Role of a QA Tester

Posted by Ross Barnes on 23/03/2021

Understanding the Importance of Quality Assurance in Educational Systems

The higher education sector seems to be ever-growing with different faculties updating old student management systems to innovative new ones. Working on a project in this industry has a lot to offer and it can be really exciting to see how a system/application can evolve over different development and test phases.

As a tester of Quality Assurance in Education, this sector has the potential to expose you to many different types of testing. Here are just a few I have been party to so far:

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Topics: Quality Assurance, Test Automation Approach, Higher Education Sector

Returning to the Office - do we really need to?

Posted by Renée Elizabeth Mineart on 16/03/2021

Adapting to Changing Work Environment Expectations

Our guest writer, Renée Mineart explores how and where we work has changed. There has been a lot of discussion lately at work about returning to work or perhaps I should say returning to the office and considering the new lockdown exit plan announced recently, I imagine a lot of you are thinking about this as well.

In fact, the topic came up in a department-wide meeting this week and our Head of IT said something really interesting: “Work should be something we do, not somewhere we go.” I thought that defined work really rather well.
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Topics: Software Testing, Remote Working, Returning to the office

Alan Turing - The Father of the Modern Computer

Posted by Renée Elizabeth Mineart on 23/02/2021

Legacy and Recognition: Turing's Impact on Science and Society

Continuing with the theme of legendary people in world of computer development, we have Renée Mineart back with a blog about Alan Turing. If you haven't read it yet, check out her blog on ‘Pioneering Coder Grace Hopper’.

I’ve always wanted to write a piece about Alan Turing (1912-1954), another hero of mine in the development of computers and this seems the perfect month in which to do so.

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Topics: Software Testing, Workplace Diversity, Computer Programmers

For the Love of Problem Solving

Posted by Renée Elizabeth Mineart on 16/02/2021

How to Find Joy in Problem Solving

A special thanks to our guest writer, Renée Mineart for writing this blog article. 

Someone asked me recently what I enjoy most about being a Developer and Tester, and I thought what a great topic for a blog!

So, here we are…

For me, pretty much everything I do comes down to one of two motivations: either creating something new or solving a problem. Often, the thing I’m creating is designed to solve a problem, so most things really come down to solving problems, which is one of my passions in life.

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Topics: Software Testing, Problem Solving, Tech Roles

Pioneering Coder Grace Hopper

Posted by Renée Elizabeth Mineart on 10/02/2021

The Godmother of Modern Coding

Today, we welcome back our guest writer, Renée Mineart

Rear Admiral Grace Hopper (1906-1992) was one of the first computer programmers in the world and she is the reason why we write code today with words, not zeros and ones.

Hopper wasn’t just one of the first developers in the world, she was also the first hacker, computer technical author, tester and considered the ‘Godmother of COBOL’.

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Topics: Software Testing, Women in Tech, Computer Programmers

Testing Centre of Excellence - The Final Chapter

Posted by The nFocus Team on 2/02/2021

The Final Chapter of Excellence: How to Reach Your Goals

Today, we welcome backScott Summers with the final piece in his 'Testing Centre of Excellence' series. 

In this blog, I’d like to wrap up this series by providing some possible components for the scope of services that a TCOE might deliver. The scope of the Testing Centre of Excellence services should, ideally, fill the gaps in the testing and quality approach within the organisation. These can be identified through the review process I outlined in the previous blogs in this series:

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Topics: Software Testing, Digital Transformation, Test Teams

Women in IT - My Experience

Posted by Renée Elizabeth Mineart on 28/01/2021

My Experience: A Reflection on Life's Challenges

Today, we welcome back our guest writer Renée Mineart with a new blog on Women in IT. 

Have you ever been in a meeting where others would constantly talk over you whenever you try and raise a point? Or had something you said been completely ignored by everyone else in the room? Do you struggle to be taken seriously by your teammates when proposing highly complex solutions?

If you experience any of these conditions on a regular basis, then you might be suffering from being a Woman in IT. Now, you might think this isn’t a real issue or is no longer a reality. Surely, we have, in the 21st century, moved beyond these outdated attitudes towards women. If you think this is no longer an issue in the workplace, then you should probably think again.

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Topics: Software Testing, Women in IT, Workplace Equality

Testing is not always Black & White

Posted by Renée Elizabeth Mineart on 12/01/2021

Embracing the Gray Areas of Testing

We are pleased to have one of our blog writers Renée Mineart, returning with a new blog item ‘Testing is not always Black and White’. It’s a follow-up blog from last month’s piece Black Box Testing Techniques by Jane Kelly which we would recommend reading before proceeding.

The differences between Black Box and White Box testing are not always (…please forgive the pun!) as black and white as the title might suggest. That is to say, even though they are not the same, it’s not a case of one or the other. 

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Topics: Software Testing, Testing Techniques, Black Box Testing, White Box Testing

DevOps Testing Process

Posted by Jane Kelly on 5/01/2021

DevOps Testing Process: A Comprehensive Overview

Introducing you to our first blog of year 2021, created by one of our blog writers, Jane Kelly who explores the topic of DevOps, its benefits and different types of roles. 

DevOps can be described as a set of working practices which combines Development and IT Operations. It brings people, processes and technology closer together, which is renowned for offering higher value to customers and achieving costs.

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Topics: Software Testing, DevOps and Testing, DevOps

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