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International Women's Day - Women in Technology

Posted by The nFocus Team on 7/03/2022


In honour of International Women's Day, we asked some of our team members to share their thoughts on working in the software testing industry. There was a wide range of opinion and we have shared some of this with you below.

Alira Salu - Test Consultant

"My father was a Computer Analyst which inspired me to follow the same career path. Seeing my dad going to the office every day with passion and dedication; as a young girl, it had a great impact on me. My role is perfect for me as I absolutely love problem-solving and get a real sense of joy from being a part of the team, finding solutions to the problems. My best advice for the younger generation would be ‘be kinder to yourself’ as situations get better with time. Generally, I feel we have a good number of women in IT but not as many at the top level so I would like to see that change in the future."

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Topics: Test Teams, Women in IT, Women in Tech

How to Set Up a Test Guild

Posted by The nFocus Team on 27/07/2021

Developing a Framework for Knowledge Sharing and Learning

Are you looking to continually mature your testing practice, stand out from other organisations and have fun building a community of like-minded members with shared interests?

If so, a Test Guild might be for you! Here's the guide of how to set up a test guild. 

So, what is it?

For those of you who have played games and have been part of a Guild, then I have no doubt that you immediately cast your mind to the benefits of a well-run guild. The concepts of a guild go way back, and for good reason!

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Topics: Software Testing, Test Teams, Test Maturity

Career in Software Testing - How Did You Get Started?

Posted by Tony Simms on 13/07/2021

Early Influences and Discoveries: Paving the Path to Testing

For me, it was a camping holiday and a guy in a field, hooked up to the internet… way back in 1995, but let me ask you…

How did you get into testing?

It’s a question I often ask new team members about their career in software testing. In the old days, many arrived in testing as a result of being a User Tester for new software that their company was rolling out. In more recent years, the answers have been much more focused around having trained in an IT discipline and then choosing to specialise in a test role.

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Topics: Software Testing, Test Teams, Tech Roles

Q&A with our Test Consultant - Ryan Dudley

Posted by The nFocus Team on 13/04/2021


Introduction to Ryan Dudley

1. How long have you been working in testing?

I've been in testing now for 6 and a half years. I joined nFocus fresh out of college as an apprentice at the age of 18 and never looked back! I've been exposed to a wide range of testing approaches and technologies and I've been able to work on a variety of different projects all with their own challenges.

2. What is your favourite area of testing?

Automation Testing - I find it fascinating how you can automate a task, removing the need to check that piece of functionality manually. This then allows you to have a great regression pack to be run whenever you like, giving you confidence when you are heading into a new release.

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Topics: Software Testing, Test Teams, Agile Testing

Testing Centre of Excellence - The Final Chapter

Posted by The nFocus Team on 2/02/2021

The Final Chapter of Excellence: How to Reach Your Goals

Today, we welcome backScott Summers with the final piece in his 'Testing Centre of Excellence' series. 

In this blog, I’d like to wrap up this series by providing some possible components for the scope of services that a TCOE might deliver. The scope of the Testing Centre of Excellence services should, ideally, fill the gaps in the testing and quality approach within the organisation. These can be identified through the review process I outlined in the previous blogs in this series:

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Topics: Software Testing, Digital Transformation, Test Teams

Building a Testing Centre of Excellence - a How to Guide

Posted by The nFocus Team on 28/07/2020

A Step-by-Step Guide

In my previous two blogs, I went into detail about some of the benefits of implementing a Testing Centre of Excellence (TCOE). Before you start reading, maybe take a look at the previous blogs of this series: 

The benefits can be summarised as:

  • Reduced costs
  • Increased efficiency and consistency
  • Maximised staff utilisation
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Topics: Digital Transformation, Test Teams, softwaretesting

Benefits of a Testing Centre of Excellence - Part 2

Posted by The nFocus Team on 24/06/2020

Reflecting on the Value of a Testing Centre of Excellence

In my last post I discussed how a Testing Centre of Excellence can reduce cost and create efficiency in an organisation. In this post, I will discuss some of the other benefits of a TCOE.

A Testing Centre of Excellence can:

  • Increase test maturity and promote innovation across the organisation
  • Define, encourage and enforce best practices
  • Define test policy and test strategies aligned with the business needs
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Topics: Software Testing, Testing, Test Management, Test Manager, Test Teams, testingcentreofexcellence

Transformation Journeys

Posted by Renée Elizabeth Mineart on 17/06/2020

Mutiny on the Project

Today, we welcome back our popular guest author, Renée Elizabeth Mineart

I realised this week that I have a character flaw. Probably, one of many, if I’m being honest but let’s just focus on the one for now.

I first began to realise this last week after chatting with my line manager about some software we use in the office. Software that I detest and consider an absolute waste of time.

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Topics: Software Testing, Test Teams, Project Management

How to Keep Your Test Plan on Track With a Remote Team

Posted by The nFocus Team on 26/03/2020

Establishing Clear Communication Channels and Expectations

We’re fortunate in testing that we generally follow a well-defined process, have clear role definitions and test tools to support us. Our test tools record activity, manage planned and current activity, and support communication between teams and individuals. This is in the form of bugs and passed & failed tests. The process is there to steer us safely through difficult periods of a project when many people around us may be making irrational decisions.

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Topics: Software Testing, Test Teams, Remote Working

Digital Assurance for your DX Project

Posted by The nFocus Team on 29/05/2019

Key Components of a Digital Assurance Strategy

At the heart of every Digital Transformation project or programme lays digital assurance, and within that quality assurance function hosts a team of able testers, but there’s always a fear that digital transformation will prevent businesses from fully committing to the process due to lack of resources being available. Most companies undertaking this exercise will set up a dedicated team to deliver the digital transformation allowing existing staff to continue with business as usual. Organisations can set up a test team and associate processes to accelerate digital transformation without any significant impact to existing projects by following key steps.

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Topics: Digital Transformation, Test Teams, digital assurance

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