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Digital Transformation Team Structure - Building the Test Team

Posted by The nFocus Team on 9/04/2019

Digital Transformation Team Structure

Building a high performing team is never an easy undertaking. Building the test team for a digital transformation project is no different.

As with any project, when it comes to creating the test team, we need to start by considering the project and business needs. Depending on the project timing, it makes it easier if the test strategy has done this and is completed before the test team is built.

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Topics: Software Testing, Digital Transformation, Test Teams

Software Development Life Cycle vs Software Development Death Cycle

Posted by Renée Elizabeth Mineart on 1/04/2019

Phases of the Software Development Life Cycle

You’re probably familiar, to one extent or another, with the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). You may not, however, be familiar with the SDDC approach to software development. Although, I can almost bet that every person reading this blog has either used it or has purchased software from someone who does.

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Topics: Software Testing, Software Development Life Cycle

Digital Transformation 5 - Top 5 Must Do's For Testing

Posted by The nFocus Team on 19/03/2019

Aligning Testing Strategies with Digital Transformation Goals

Unless you’ve been hibernating for the past couple of years then you’ll be fully aware that digital transformation and artificial intelligence are at the top of every IT Directors list of things to do. Companies today are facing a couple of big challenges, staying ahead and on top of new digital technologies as well as providing outstanding customer experience. To be clear, digital transformation is the process of using new or modified business models, processes and customer expectations to meet changing business and market requirements by use of new and advanced technology.

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Topics: Agile,, Software Testing, test automation, Quality Assurance, Digital Transformation

The Purpose of Defect Triage

Posted by Michael Massiah on 12/03/2019

Defect Triage Process Steps

The purpose of a defect triage meeting is to review and prioritise open defects and provide stakeholders with the opportunity to track progress, review and take action based on the information available.

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Topics: Software Testing, Test Planning, Defect Triage

The Need For Automated Security Testing

Posted by The nFocus Team on 5/03/2019

Why Is Automated Security Testing Necessary?

IT teams and testers have been challenged by automated testing for decades now.  It seems to me that many organisations haven’t really cracked the nut yet with regards to functional automation and many (too many) automated testing efforts fail to meet their objectives, budget and stakeholders’ expectations. Expectations seem to be lower for load and performance testing. I’m not sure if this is because it’s perceived to be more difficult or the risk is perceived to be lower or both. Either way I don’t think that’s true, but that’s for another post. There isn’t much conversation happening yet about automated security testing - yet. I find this strange considering 47% of companies surveyed for this year’s World Quality Report said that enhancing security is part of their IT Strategy. The number of security breaches is increasing – the 2018 Cyber Security Breaches Survey shows 43% of businesses in the UK experienced a security breach in the past year.

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Topics: Software Testing, Security Testing Strategy, Security Testing

The Robots are Coming for You – You’ve Been Replaced…well not so fast R2D2

Posted by The nFocus Team on 19/02/2019

Human-Robot Collaboration in the Workplace

We’ve all seen sci-fi movies where robots take over the world, that is until Will Smith (or similar) steps in at the eleventh hour and saves the day. But like a lot of movies made, they do have a good knack of portraying what the future might hold, whether that’ll be a home robot for doing the daily chores to an all singing all dancing fully autonomous home.

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Topics: Software Testing, Test Automation Frameworks, Test Automation Approach

Test Automation Approach - The Long Wait Is Over!

Posted by Danny Crone on 13/02/2019

From ALongBit to AShortBit: Enhancing Test Efficiency in DevOps

Even today, in the modern world of DevOps, I see this all too often in automated test code for regression tests:

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Topics: Software Testing, test automation, Test Automation Approach

Mastering Test Planning: A Comprehensive How-To Guide

Posted by The nFocus Team on 5/02/2019

A How-To Guide For Test Planning

Test planning, it’s that task testers are often asked to perform at short notice and frequently without enough information. It’s something that sounds like it should be easy, but all too often turns into something more challenging. As testers, we also find that we sometimes become accountable based on a test plan that was formed in a hurry without enough information to begin with. Is there anything we can do to avoid this?

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Topics: Software Testing, Software Test Plan, Test Planning

Tech and Testing Trends for 2019

Posted by The nFocus Team on 22/01/2019

Emerging Tech and Quality Assurance: Key Trends for 2019

As another year starts, we can look ahead to what will be trending in 2019. We all know that ankle gracing trousers, wearing brogues without socks, growing a hipster beard (again) and heading to Greggs for a vegan sausage roll will all make the headlines, but with tech trends it’s a little different. A few years ago, we predicted Multi-Cloud (now commonly called Connected Cloud), Big Data (Data Analytics), AR and Cyber Security would be prominent, which to be fair they are still front runners for making the top five, but the way in which they are adopted and implemented has somewhat changed due to other factors that complicate but enhance the IT landscape.

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Topics: Software Testing, Technology, 2019

UAT Testing Steps - Do you Test like a User?

Posted by Renée Elizabeth Mineart on 15/01/2019

Introduction to User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

If we were to visit the town where I grew up, I could take you to any place in that town without having to use Sat Nav. I wouldn’t even have to glance at Google Maps to find my way.

You can probably say the same about where you grew up. However, if you hop in my car and we go to a city I’ve never been to before, then I’m going to need some help. Sat Nav, Google Maps, directions, post code…and still, there’s a chance I’ll make a wrong turn along the way.

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Topics: Software Testing, User Acceptance Testing, UAT

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