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A Review of Software Testing Tools

Posted by Alira Salu on 9/07/2024

Exploring Software Testing Tools: A Test Analyst's Professional Journey

I am a professional software test analyst with over 7 years of experience in the software development lifecycle and extensive progressive experience in functional, integration, and UAT testing, including data analysis.

I started my role as a test analyst with nFocus in 2021 with one of our clients who was decommissioning their legacy system and implementing a new Health Roster system. I then moved on to join another role on a Microsoft Dynamics 365 project.

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Topics: Software Testing, Test Tools

Quality Assurance Software Testing: Right Thing, Right Time

Posted by Jane Kelly on 4/07/2024

Reflections on 20 Years of Testing: Adapting and Optimising Practices

In my testing career, I’ve witnessed significant changes over the past 20 years. However, certain constants remain: the pursuit of working smarter, managing risks efficiently, and optimising testing efforts. We strive to test faster while minimising costs to stay competitive in the market. Flexible testing tasks allow us to adapt to changing schedules.

Additionally, creating knowledge documents, conducting peer reviews, and asking critical questions contribute to effective testing. This blog will explore insights from my testing journey, emphasising three key areas: what, when, and why. The “what,” "when,” and “why” drive out what goes into the category of doing the right thing, but the three are inextricably linked, and I expand on these below.

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Topics: Software Testing, Quality Assurance, Time Management

AIs Impact on the SDLC

Posted by The nFocus Team on 18/06/2024

Software Testing and Artificial Intelligence: AIs Influence on the SDLC


In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the use of Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making increasing waves in our industry for quite some time now. It has been integrated into various processes, from customer service to data analysis, and now, it is making its way into the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). As AI continues to evolve, its impact and usefulness in software testing is becoming increasingly apparent. In this article, we will dive into the world of software testing and Artificial Intelligence, its current state, and how it will affect the SDLC in the near future.

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Topics: Software Testing, Software Development Life Cycle, Artificial Intelligence

ROI in Test Automation: From a Tester's Viewpoint

Posted by Jane Kelly on 11/06/2024


Hi, I’m Jane Kelly, I have worked in the IT industry focusing mostly as a manual test analyst and consultant. I've embodied various roles akin to the many hats worn by a manual tester, adapting to the evolving needs of each project.

One of the critical roles within a project involves reviewing and analysing requirements and other documents. This process includes breaking them down, designing, and writing test cases or scenarios that can be executed in a test environment to demonstrate whether the requirements have been met. This is the first area where a tester, can help a project reduce costs, by identifying poorly written, ambiguous, or misleading requirements.

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Topics: Software Testing, test automation, Testing Costs

Ace Your Software Testing Estimation: Play Your Cards Right

Posted by Richard Turrall on 31/05/2024

Higher or Lower? Tactics for Mastering Software Testing Estimations

Continuing my series on career growth and learning experiences, here’s another blog about another challenge I’ve faced in my career: planning and estimating testing efforts.

Maybe not in the early days, but certainly as your career in testing progresses, one thing you will be asked to do on a regular basis is estimate a testing effort. Now, this could be for a phase of testing (e.g. a UAT), or for an entire project testing effort.

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Topics: Software Testing, Testing Techniques, Test Estimation

Exploring Testing in the Matrix: Benefits of Agile

Posted by Michael Massiah on 21/05/2024


As a member of Generation X, I find myself reminiscing about the days when "The One" was Neo, dodging bullets in "The Matrix," and when I started my journey in software QA.

My first introduction to testing was through User Acceptance Testing (UAT) on a large accounting and reconciliation software project and user requirements. It did not take long for me to realise I had a knack for testing and working in that environment. I moved into testing full-time, spending over ten years with nFocus, working on projects that spanned from large-scale government IT projects and e-commerce to finance and construction/infrastructure. In these sectors, I sometimes worked as a lone Tester, while other times I was part of cross-skilled teams that delivered award-winning products.

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Topics: Software Testing, waterfall, Agile Testing

Client Engagement Strategies & Forming Partnerships

Posted by Richard Turrall on 21/05/2024

Building Relationships in Consultancy

A vital part of consultancy work is building strong relationships with clients or project teams. One of the most rewarding aspects of this process is learning how to effectively address difficult or uncomfortable situations. Embracing this challenge is key to personal and professional growth.

Consultancy is dynamic and adaptive because it involves working with new individuals and loyal customers. Try viewing ‘difficult’ and ‘awkward’ situations as opportunities for creative problem-solving and innovative solutions for growth. The terms 'difficult' and 'awkward' can span a variety of situations.

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Topics: Software Testing, Test Teams, communication

Testing Career: Newbie to Confident SDET Journey

Posted by George Calvey on 3/04/2024

Who am I?

Hello, my name is George. I’m a Junior SDET Consultant (Software Development Engineer in Test) who has recently celebrated my two-year work anniversary here at nFocus Testing. These past two years have easily been the best working years I have experienced. I say this because I have been extremely fortunate to work alongside amazing team members; colleagues who have grown into strong friendships and, I predict, lifelong support networks.

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Topics: Software Testing, SDET, nFocus SDET Academy

A Story of Growth: An SDETs Journey

Posted by Farhiya Mahamud on 19/03/2024

Embracing Challenges: Reflections on Growth

Join me on a journey as I traverse the intricate landscapes of software testing, grappling with self-doubt, yet emerging with newfound confidence and wisdom. This is the story of a fledgling SDET navigating uncharted territories, grappling with imposter syndrome, and ultimately finding her voice in a world of uncertainty.

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Topics: Software Testing, test automation, nFocus SDET Academy

How AI could Transform Software Testing

Posted by Nethma Wimalasuriya on 28/02/2024

Exploring AI's Role in Software Testing

The increasing integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the real world of software testing is reshaping and potentially transforming how software testing is approached and executed.

From offering intelligent automation to predictive analysis, AI is helping to optimise testing projects and processes, enhance efficiency, and ultimately elevate software quality.

As well as helping to improve existing practices, AI can be a catalyst for innovation and in this blog, we will walk through the areas which we think it either could or is already having an effect.

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Topics: Software Testing, Software Testing Techniques, Artificial Intelligence

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