Nurturing Future Testing Experts: Recognising the Accomplishments
It was with great pleasure that I had the honour of attending our apprentice’s graduation ceremony at St George’s Hall in Bewdley.
Apprentices from
nFocus Testing have been honoured at a graduation ceremony. The event was attended by many family, friends, trainers and assessors from all over the UK. It was a delight to see them receive their awards for their outstanding efforts. Two of the apprentices have also been shortlisted and are finalists in the Mobile Testing Project of the Year at the
European Software Testing Awards
The nFocus apprentices have completed their apprenticeships across a wide range of IT disciplines, including Information Systems, Software Development, Testing, Web Design, and IT Support. They are now embarking on further training to develop their skills even further.

To learn how nFocus Testing can support your testing efforts please contact us on 0370 242 6235 or email us at