Demystifying DevOps & Improving Software Quality
Now, let me guess? Whilst you are reading this article you can name a project that has run late, ran out of budget, not met the requirements, generally underperformed against budget or proved problematic when put live?
Never the less, there is some hope. DevOps has arrived and promises to save the day, but didn’t Agile promise this? Yes it did, but after the initial surge in the uptake of the Agile framework it did result in some Operational issues, mainly because little or no consideration was taken when putting iterations of new code into live for the operational impact.
Different to Agile, DevOps aims to synchronise development of production code with Operational processes. The DevOps approach is to address the disconnection between the Dev and Ops teams by extending team interactions and service delivery in future development to improve overall Service
Having been involved in a range of DevOps and Testing projects here at nFocus, we couldn't resist writing a full white paper on the topic. You can download a copy below.